*** Help On Help *** To choose a help topic, Click on the drop-down list box and choose a section. This section will load into this text box. To copy any topic to the clipboard, press Copy. To Print the displayed topic, press Print. *** Main Menu *** The Main Menu comes up when the game is first loaded, when you finish a game, or when you click the 'Menu' button on the Command bar. It has these functions: - New Game - Press this after using the two slide bars on the right to adjust difficulty and game length. (Note that a longer game is also harder because you must manage your resources better.) A new game will be started and you will be plunged into a random quadrant. - Load Game - Not available in the unregistered version, this button allows you to load Star Trek for DOS or Star Trek for Windows games from disk. - Save Game - Not available in the unregistered version, this button will save your game under the name you specify. This saved file is NOT compatible with Star Trek for DOS. - Continue Game - This button returns you to your game in progress. - Difficulty Slide Bar - This alters the difficulty of the game from 1 to 10. SB KSB CALL -- --- ---- 1 3 N SB 2 3 N SB 3 3 Y KSB 4 2 Y KSB 5 2 Y --- 6 2 Y --- 7 1 Y --- 8 1 Y --- 9 1 Y --- 10 0 Y --- - Length Slide Bar - This changes the number of klingons you must kill. For short games you have somewhere between 10 and 20 klingons. For medium, you have between 30 and 40. For long, you have between 50 and 60. - Quit Button - This exits the program. If you have a game in progress, it will confirm it with you first. *** Basic Commands *** These are located on the Command Bar. There are eight systems which correspond to the first eight buttons. PRO relies on the photon tubes(TOR), so if one gets damaged, the other is unuseable as well. HYP and DES are last resort buttons. The last four buttons are Options, Menu, Quit, and Help. (which have their own help topics.) - Navigation (NAV)* - Navigation is the manual way to move your ship. If your enigines get damaged, you can still use NAV, (signified by a dark red text color) but can only use up to warp factor .5, or 1/2 of a quadrant. If your engines are destroyed, then your ship is stranded and cannot move. This will cause the game to end. - Short Range Scan (SRS)* - This toggles the display of the SRS window. If the scanners are damaged, you can still use the button, but can only see up to two sectors away from your ship. - Long Range Scan (LRS)+ - This updates the eight quadrants adjacent to you in the Galatic Record. If the scanners are damaged, you cannot use this system. (signified by a bright red text color) If the Galatic Record is not shown, this button will seem to do nothing, but will actually update the hidden window. - Phaser Control (PHA)+ - This is one of the two weapons at your disposal. Phasers are direct energy beams which use a variable amount of power. The farther an enemy ship is from your position, the more energy will be needed. The targeting system will also track moving klingons to a certain extent. The 'Add' button lets you choose sectors from the SRS window. The sectors are then added starting from the upper right corner of the window. If you target more than the allowable amount, it will warn you and tell you the first sector which was not targeted. The 'Remove' button removes the selected lines from the targeting system. The 'Clear All' button clears all the targets. The 'Info' button highlights the sector to which it was targeted, and displays information about it. The 'Select All' selects all lines in the target list and unselects them if clicked again. The three buttons at the bottom of the list are used to alter the amount of energy used to fire. The 'Kill' button sets it to enough energy to kill the klingon. The 'Disable' tries to immobilize the klingon by taking it down to 18% strength. (a klingon is disabled at 20%) The 'Other' button lets you enter a value. - Torpedo Control (TOR)+ - Torpedos are the second weapon you have available. They are basically energy balls which explode on your enemys causing massive damage. Depending on where the torpedo hits, it could take anywhere from 1 to 4 torpedos to kill a klingon. The torpedo targeting fires torpedos at a fixed location, and does not allow for moving klingons. The window works in much the same way as the Phaser Control window, but does not require an energy amount, as the torpedos in your storage bay already have a certain amount of energy in them. - Shield Control (SHE)+ - Raises and lowers you shields. This uses energy from your reserves to project an envelope of energy around the ship. It protects you from enemy fire. Shield Control System will not raise your shields more than your energy minus 100. This is for your protection, but can be overridden by typing a value in. - Damage Control (DAM)* - This allows you to repair the systems on your ship immediately instead of waiting the displayed time. You may repair a system by clicking the 'DAM' button on the command bar, then clicking the system you wish to repair in the damage report window. A window will appear asking how much energy to divert to the repairs. (If damage control is damaged, then you will have to bypass it, with a 40% chance of failure. If you don't have enough energy to fix damage control after bypassing it, you will not know how much energy is required to fix the system. Good luck on your guess.) - Library Computer (COM)+ - This allows you access to more functions that would be difficult to do with the basic commands. See the section on 'Computer Commands.' - Probe Launch (PRO)+ - This lauches a Class 4 probe in the specified direction. This will gather information about the quadrants it passes through. It updates the Galatic Record but has no other means of displaying the results, similar to the LRS. - Emergency Hyperspace (HYP)# - This will hurl your ship to an unknown quadrant, but will also damage between 0 and 4 systems. This operation takes a surprisingly low amount of energy, and hence is good as a last ditch effort to find a starbase. - Self Destruct (DES)# - Blows up your ship, killing anything with you in the quadrant. You can cancel the self destruct by clicking on the countdown window. # - system cannot be damaged * - system can be used even if damaged + - system cannot be used when damaged *** Computer Commands *** These commands are controlled by your library computer. - Target Calculator - This calculates what direction to move your ship to get to the quadrant and sector you specify. You can can choose a starbase to go to, or click the 'Closest' button to choose the closest one under your control. The Long Range Scan area lets you choose any adjacent quadrant to move to. The three buttons on the right choose the closest sector that has the most of what the button says. (i.e. the 'klingon' button chooses the quadrant with the most klingons.) The 'Previous Quadrant' chooses the last quadrant where your ship was. Clicking on the Quadrant or Sector panel will bring up a window with an 8 x 8 grid of circles. Choose the quadrant/sector that you want. Then press the 'Accept' button. NOTE: The Target Calculator is only guaranteed to within one sector of the target you specify. - Fire Torpedos - This fires one torpedo at each uncaptured klingon, and the rest at the Klingon starbase, if applicable. - Fire Phasers - This fires enough energy at each uncaptured klingon to kill it, and 1000 units at the Klingon starbase, if applicable. - Auto Shields - Automatically raises or lowers shields to take hits from all klingons and the Klingon starbase, plus a little extra. This is useful when trying to conseve energy for use with the phasers. - Dock at Starbase - Takes your ship to the starbase and attempts to dock. If this is unsuccesful you will remain in your original position and be fired at by the klingons. This is similar to what happens if you moved manually. NOTE: The computer can dock even if the Warp Engines are damaged. This is accomplished by several complex calculations dealing with advanced warp dynamics and spacial relationships. - Galatic Record - Simply toggles the Galatic Record on and off. *** Status/Report Windows *** You can gain information by clicking on the status lights in the lower left hand corner of the screen. Some do not have reports associated with them. These can be kept on the screen or closed with the control box in the top right corner of the window. These reports are updated after each command. Some are updated during battle, but most are not.